
Spiritual Senses, The Sense of Hearing

Spiritual Senses, The Sense of Sight

Spiritual Senses

What If


You Are Not Your Own

Trusting In God No Matter The Outcome

To Him Are All Things

Responding To God


Moving Mountains

Seeing Through Gods Eyes

Defeat, Never an Option

A Mothers Love, A reflection of Christ

Allowing Gods Truth to Set Us Free

What He Wills, What We Want

Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness

Learning To Walk With God

Learning To Walk With God

Waiting Upon God

Gods Grace Makes Me What I am

Depending Upon God

Obeying God

Listening to God

Feed My Sheep

How Does God See Us

Our Hope Rest in The Lord

Commitment or Convenience

Peace, Be Still

Proclaiming Gods Word

Living Today for Our Eternal Destiny    

In His Due Time

God Gave Do We

Is It Ever Enough

A Voice for Christ

Why Should We Obey God

The Void in Our Life

Life At Its Best

Do Not Get Ahead of God

What Does A Mans Life Consist Of

Unbelief, Straying From the Truth of Gods Word….

God Works Through Us

Remaining in the Newness of Our Fellowship with God

Is God the Greatest Passion in Our Life

Is God the Greatest Passion in Our Life

Men Ought Always to Pray and Not To Faint

Living A Sober Life

Why Do Christians Doubt

The Blessings of God

Our Willingness to Serve

Undeserved Favor

When I am Afraid

Becoming Spiritually Sound

Resisting The Devil

Seeking To Dwell In Gods House

Gods Word Tries Us

The Right Foundation

Hope Through Patience

Rooted and Grounded

Divine Disruption in the Life of a Christian

From Whence Cometh My Help

In God We Trust

Convicted by our Conscience

A Mothers Love, A Reflection of Christ

Do We Practice Salvation or Religion

Living This World Behind

Are We Merciful

Faced with Decisions

The Compassion of God

Christians Troubling Peace

Our Greatest Possessions

Preservation Through Christ and the Word of God

Seeking Godly Fear over the Spirit of Fear

True Encouragement

Such as I Have

Reflection of Holiness

How much do we give back to God

To Seek and to Save

Being Prepared for the Lords Return

Necessities of the Believers Life

Do not be Weary in Well Doing

God Speaks Peace to Our Heart

Life is Choices

Christmas, A Spiritual Love

God Rules Over All

Preparation to do Gods Will

Preparation to do Gods Will

Is Our Life  A Living Sacrifice To God

Following the Example of Christ

Touch Not, Taste Not, Handle Not

Building A Christian Life Part 2 What Not To Do

Building A Christian Life Part 1 What To Do

If The Lord Will

Upon This Rock Part 2

Upon This Rock Part 1

Our Service, Gods Works

Patience the Will to wait upon God 

Do Not Give Worldliness Equal Value of our Time

Christ Brings Eternal Purpose to Our Lives

Looking From an Eternal Perspective

Glorifying God In Tribulation

Loving God Loving Thy Neighbor

Loving God with all thy Strength

Loving God with all thy Mind

Loving God with all your Soul

Loving God

Loving God with all your Heart

True Fellowship

Finding Help in the Lord

Patience, The Will to Wait

Our Daily Bread

The Tongue Speaks for the Heart

Filled with the knowledge of Gods will

Christ liveth in me

Try the Spirits

A Man Justified

Do You Now Believe

To Whom Is The Arm Of The Lord Revealed

Receiving Gods Promises By Faith

Exact No More Than Is Appointed Unto You

The Believers Sin

What Doest Thou Here Part 3

What Doest Thou Here Part 3

What Doest Thou Here Part 2

Loving God Unconditionally

Christ Call to Follow Him

What Doest Thou Here Part 1

Loving God Unconditionally

Christ Call To Follow Him

Christ Dwelling Place

Would We Exist Without God 2

Would We Exist Without God 1


The Sign

Preparing the Lords Way 2021

Enter into the Presence of the Lord    

The Importance of Gods Word

We are the Light of the World

Expressing The Divine Glory of God

The Power of Truth can Walk on Water

Christ Challenges our Spiritual Motivation

Our Claim To Christ

Our Testimony of Truth

Reflecting The Glory Of God

Victory Over Death

Assurance, Confirmation, Acceptance

Christ, The Bread of Life

Our Life In Christ

Mans Response    

Gods Solution

God Reveals Himself To Mankind

Walking In Truth

This Do In Remembrance Of Me

The Willingness Of Christ

Sowing, Reaping

Do Not Look Back

Who Am I

Who IS This

Gods Word Never Changes

What is Good and Acceptable in the Sight of God

The Depths of the Sea

This Means Me

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Wolves in Sheeps Clothing

Our Role in the Cross

Worldly Betrayal

Choosing Whom we will serve

Gods Word Going Forth

The Flour and the Oil

Experiencing Gods Time

The Sign of the Christ Child

Celebrating Christmas

Preparing the Lords Way

Spiritual Distractions

Living Peaceably with all Men – Part 5

Living Peaceably with all Men – Part 4

Living Peaceably with all Men – Part 3

Living Peaceably with all Men – Part 2

Living Peaceably with all Men – Part 1

Coping with Disappointment   

Desert Places

We Might Serve God without Fear

Do Not Interpretations belong to God

Boast in the Cross

Encompassing Our Convictions

Choose You this day whim you will serve

The Great Gulf Fixed Between Us

Spiritual Distractions

Know that the Lord he is God

Our Spiritual Characteristics

Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

For not all have Faith

Gods Character

Listen, Trust, Obey

Spiritual Contentment in God

Giving God our undivided attention Part 2

Cleansing the Temple

Gods Compassion for Man

God gives the Increase

Giving God our undivided attention, Part 1

Gods Open Door

Experiencing our Salvation

Seeking to please God

Invitation to Salvation

Complete in God

Service for Christ

Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart 

Still Small Voice

Obedience, Servitude, Compassion

Finding Favor in Gods Eyes

Learning Obedience Through Suffering

Spiritual Motivation

Let a Double Portion be upon me

Is my Punishment Greater than I can Bear

Run the Race that is set before you

Confirmation through Gods Word

Seeing Only Christ

Faith in Christ, That Leads to Salvation

God Never Chooses the Wrong Person

Gods Mercy, Grace, Redemption

Obeying Gods Word

Enter In

Our Need Supplied

Leading Gods People

Created by God, for God, In Newness of Life

Our Time of Visitation

Jesus Stood Still

Gods Love, A Mothers Love, Love Never Fails

Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice

Perserverance – Never give up   

I can do all things

Conducting Oneself Christlike

Why Do We Pray


The Tunic

Opurtunity from God

The Three Fold Work of  the Believer

I’am Resurrected     

Every Sinner, A Soul Worth Saving

Give Me Oil In My Lamp

Why Are We Fearful

Thy Will Be Done  

Gods Eternal Plan